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Back to the roots: Inversions & Arm Balances 101

The usual one hour practice slots don’t leave much time to work through arm balances and inversions. These are poses that can’t be built up to without practice, but it can be hard to know where to start. In this final workshop of the Back to the Roots series, students of all levels can benefit, discussing core engagement and connection with the breath that will support this work. Students will work on building up strength and alignment in poses ranging from dolphin and crow to headstand. Each pose will be offered in a variety of options using props and the wall, giving students the resources to apply proper mechanics and build up their tool kit. With individualized attention and instruction, newcomers will learn how to build up the strength and alignment needed to accurately work on the initial steps of these poses, and more advanced students will learn how to refine and create more ease in the postures.

Taught by Katya Danko & Mackenzie Proud
Not taking reservations
Instructor Mackenzie
Class Date/Time {{classTime}}